Tuesday, July 30, 2013

2nd List Done and 3rd List Posted - Alyson

hey girl!

hey what's going on with otis. i'm so confused and you are probably even more confused. we need to talk, that's seems incredibly painful. 

oh folly! while i want to encourage you to aim high, it's also important to be realistic. this week, you can do those things! oh i did all the things on my list! yay!

dude, did i even send you my list? i swear I did but now i can't seem to find it anywhere on my email thing. okay. here's the list i'm pretty positive i sent you. 
okay lame lame lame. but here's the list again, no cheats or nothing. 

1. go on hike, hiked the coastal trail from vet's hospital near ocean beach to the golden gate, not as deep woods hike but still beautiful. 

2. read baudrillard, the system of objects and simulacra and simulations-i think i get it, but he uses a whole bunch of big words. oh boy. 

3.butler-gender trouble - subjects of sex/gender/desire- not totally sure if i absorbed it all either, but gender/sex yeah they're different and a whole bunch of stuff. once again, big words. 

4. put landscape paintings on website-go check it out i did! i still have more coming once i find/make them

5. open bank account - i think all i could those blood suckers

6. pay phone bill - i did it! 

7. daily practice - still not consistent on same time, but i eventually get around to sitting still somewhere

8. teach emotional regulation chart to someone - i called up Josh Mott and explained the chart to him. it was fun!

okay for this week's accountability list:

1. Work for Mother for 5hrs

2. Go to Life Drawing Session

3. Read "Becoming Asian American" Chapter 1 

4. Read "Colors" Chapters "Black and Brown" + "White" + "Red"

5. Landscape Drawing

6. Stretch 3 rolled up Paintings

7. Daily Practice

8. Do DBT homework

2013-07-29 15.18.35.jpg2013-07-29 15.18.35.jpg

Thursday, July 25, 2013

2nd List Snaggles

Jul 27
to me
I will definitely not charge you. 
You did all you could. 

I think I'm going to have to pay out the ass tho for getting an inflated idea of what I could get done while in the throws of negotiating a polyamorous situation while being terrified of abandonment. 

Otis might be gone. Otis the one I actually enjoy spending time with. Otis, my favorite person in the whole world. He said it was over for him. he said those words. I hope this is an adjustment process. I truly intend that this can be overcome, but wow. ouch. I am very sad. 

Do I have to pay $30 for each thing I don't do? I think in keeping with my own rules, I do. Get ready for a large lump sum coming your way.


On Jul 25, 2013, at 5:11 PM, Alyson Highsmith <alysonhighsmith@gmail.com> wrote:
So I put open bank account on list which has turned into the biggest buracratic nightmare ever. I owed $341 to bank of america, went there, had to then go to wells Fargo to cash checks, back to bofa and then to sfcreditunion, which told me I couldn't without an official letter which will be mailed in a week. Please don't charge me for this, i did all I could to open an account without going to a big bank. I'm so fustrated.
Love, alyson

Sunday, July 21, 2013

2nd List, Accountability 7/19 - Maraya

Jul 21
to me


A Story of Patterns BIG and Small 
A Story of Recognition for the One and the All

There are patterns BIG and small
There is a same-ness that some people don't see at all. 

The way blood moves through the veins in your body, 
An how water moves through the rivers of the Earth.

This is the SAME pattern One BIG and One small
That some people don't see at all.

Inside the solar system, planets orbit the sun.
Inside your atoms, electrons orbit the nucleus for fun. 

Or you know how a map of the internet looks like a human brain?
Or how the information contained in your whole body and in one cell are just the same?

Sometimes if you're quiet and peaceful and still,
Open your eyes, take a breath and you will
See how a bigger pattern leads into the smaller,
The way that a wave comes out of the water.

Let's say you're sitting quiet peaceful and still,
looking at a magic tree if you will,
You see how the trunk branches into branches?
And how those branches are like trunks from which smaller branches branch, yessss??

And from those smaller branches, what miracle do you see?
Right there, reaching out, all bright GREEN and leaf-y??
Within that leafy green world, what pattern lies within?
Why, there's a trunk that's branching and smaller branches branching therein. 

And speaking of trees, do you know when you breathe
That you and the tree give each other exactly what you need?

The tree breathes out oxygen, which is what you breathe in.
Then you exhale carbon dioxide like a very dear friend,
because carbon is precisely what the tree must breathe in. 
And this completes a cycle between you and her/him.

So here is a pattern if you can imagine it so:
That the partner dance of breath that helps you and tree grow,
Is happening RIGHT NOW between all tree and human kind
You see, this is the part that really blows my mind: 

All of that oxygen and all that carbon gas,
Between all animals and all plants does pass.
So the small cycle pattern that you breathe with the tree,
Together with all the other people breathing where their trees be,
Create a BIG pattern that's the same shape as all the small,
And also as big as the whole planetary ball. 

This is the way a fractal plays you see.
As big as everything,
And small enough to be just between you, tree and me. 

3. Begin forwarded message:
From: Maraya Karena <marayakarena@gmail.com>
Date: July 17, 2013, 4:19:29 PM PDT
To: Maraya Karena <marayakarena@gmail.com>
Subject: Mid-Summer Massage Special!
Hello Lovelies!

In honor of Mid-Summer and all of our Nights and Dreams, I am offering a
BUY 1 GET 1 HALF OFF mid-summer special!!!

The HALF OFF massage can be received by you
OR by any lucky person of your choosing any time
from now until September 22nd of this year 2013.

Massages make great gifts! For you and your loved ones!!
Hand-painted gift-certificates are available upon request.

I fully believe that massages are a part of health and wellbeing.
I am committed to keeping my prices affordable and my massages accessible.
You can book an appointment on-line @
my website: www.marayakarenacmt.com

Wishing you all a happy, healthy, sun-kissed summer (filled with wonderful massages!)
In aloha and deepest gratitude,

(415) 713-5534


P.S. I am also revving up to do more infant massage trainings with parents!
If you know any parents who have an infant age 3 weeks to crawling who might be interested in learning how to massage their baby, please send them my information. During the training I do not touch any one's baby!!! ONLY THE PARENTS MASSAGE THEIR BABY!!! I demonstrate how to give a full body massage on a doll while parents practice with their little ones.

Baby massage has many, many benefits for parents, infants and society as a whole. I feel deeply passionate about this work and am offering classes in the spirit of service and completely by donation.

Spread the Word! And Thank you!!!

4.Beautiful Rioha, 

I have JUST SENT MY GIFT TO YOU in the mail!!!!!!!!

It is coming your way via UPS
Tracking number: 1Z3E88E40371969691
Reference Number: MMENVKDJ9GVRV

They say it should get to you by Friday at the latest.

Blessings, abundance and complete Home-Centeredness to you sweet sister,
love in all its forms, 
YouTube - Videos from this email

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

2nd List

Yeah totally! I accidently sent a draft email. Ignore it. The first one I sent is the one I want to do. The life drawing sess is Saturday morning at 9. 3 hours $15 dollars. No instructor. Actually let me go this first one solo so I can feel it out for you.
On Jul 15, 2013 10:49 PM, "Maraya Karena" <marayakarena@gmail.com> wrote:
Imma hold you to it! You can do it!! I believe in you!!! And when you go to a life drawing session can I come?!? I've always wanted to do that. I didn't know there were ones you could just go to with out being in a class.
On Jul 15, 2013 8:55 PM, "Alyson Highsmith" <alysonhighsmith@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Maraya!

Here's my accountability list:
Due Monday night 7/22

1.Website structured w/ CV and Bio
2. Family Series started with sketches and images printed
3. Go to a life drawing session
4. Apply to residency in NC
5. Make list of grad schools and requirements
6. Go for a city hike
7. draw in sketch book

Okay love ya!

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:51 PM, <marayakarena@gmail.com> wrote:
Alright, Alight:
By NEXT SUNDAY I will have::

1. gifted Rioha
2. filmed a podcast
3. put my festival note up on facebook and send it to michael/ sol purpose/ evolver
4. have text for fractal kids book done
5. respond to nick, james, andrew
6. Choose and begin a daily practice
7. send massage promo e-mail

Thursday, July 11, 2013

the first list (alyson)

hey girl! awesome list. i'm super bummed we can't go camping, i really need to get out of the city. isn't raoul or pablo able to take care of missy for a day or two? i remember her telling me that her neighbor guy is able to walk and feed her. 

okay so for my list, which i guess is just a day. 

1.i'll put up the bare bones of my website
2.finish that painting in the studio
3.do my dbt hw

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

the first list (maraya)

By Friday Maraya Will:

1. Complete festival note and send it to limited peoples
2. Write a Letter to Terri about feelings
3. Email: -james, bob, deb, amber, nick about potential grad programs
4. Make a list with ten grad school ideas.
5. Mail out infant massage stuff
6. Film podcast
7. Call Shava

and so it is.