Tuesday, July 16, 2013

2nd List

Yeah totally! I accidently sent a draft email. Ignore it. The first one I sent is the one I want to do. The life drawing sess is Saturday morning at 9. 3 hours $15 dollars. No instructor. Actually let me go this first one solo so I can feel it out for you.
On Jul 15, 2013 10:49 PM, "Maraya Karena" <marayakarena@gmail.com> wrote:
Imma hold you to it! You can do it!! I believe in you!!! And when you go to a life drawing session can I come?!? I've always wanted to do that. I didn't know there were ones you could just go to with out being in a class.
On Jul 15, 2013 8:55 PM, "Alyson Highsmith" <alysonhighsmith@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Maraya!

Here's my accountability list:
Due Monday night 7/22

1.Website structured w/ CV and Bio
2. Family Series started with sketches and images printed
3. Go to a life drawing session
4. Apply to residency in NC
5. Make list of grad schools and requirements
6. Go for a city hike
7. draw in sketch book

Okay love ya!

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:51 PM, <marayakarena@gmail.com> wrote:
Alright, Alight:
By NEXT SUNDAY I will have::

1. gifted Rioha
2. filmed a podcast
3. put my festival note up on facebook and send it to michael/ sol purpose/ evolver
4. have text for fractal kids book done
5. respond to nick, james, andrew
6. Choose and begin a daily practice
7. send massage promo e-mail

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