Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 1 ( w/ DGCS) 1/9 - 1/19

This is a direct copy of the email I sent Dylan from my phone on the flight back to the Bay. 

Accountability List
❏ Return library books (2014-01-19)
❏ Run  (2014-01-19)
❏ Get book on essay writing (2014-01-19)
❏ Fix bike (2014-01-19)
❏ 8 washes (2014-01-19)
❏ Go volunteer or try (2014-01-19)
❏ Document work (2014-01-19)
❏ Clean up studio (2014-01-19)
❏ Write back whitney (2014-01-19)
❏ Look up health care situation (2014-01-19)
❏ Call obgyn and go (2014-01-19)
❏ Call dbt group (2014-01-19)
❏ Apply to part-time job (2014-01-19)
❏ Blog acct list (2014-01-19)

Hey love,
Here's my accountability list. I also have a sloppy blog I'll update at
What's the reward and consequence of not fulfilling our acct. list? I'm thinking something monetary. Maraya and I did it by each thing we failed to do. It was 30 bucks each but that's tooooo much for me right now. I could do 10 for each uncompleted task. As far as evidence goes, that's up to you. I plan on photos, blogs, forwarded emails, receipt scans to give you hard evidence. I expect the same from you. As for rewards? Let's make a list of way to reward ourselves for a weeks accomplishment so we can pick one. Im thinking froyo or sushi or something indulgent like an hour long fap session.
I can't wait to see your list and see your progress. One word of advice, be realistic in your list. I've often over extended myself leading to expensive and guilty repercussions. Put tasks on your lists with varying levels of challenge.
Love you,

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